September 28, 2012

Post Workout Lunch/Snack!

So you just went to the gym, and you are feeling like the world is going to end if you dont eat everything in sight,  how do you decide what to eat without feeling as though going to the gym was a complete waste!! Make choices high in protein, this will help to maintain a toned body!

Here are some helpful options you may not have considered:

Protein Shake. I know this one is a bit obvious but a whey protein shake is packed full of protein,  For an extra boost of flavor, think about adding your favorite fruit or some peanut butter. A great combo is ½ banana with 1 tbs peanut butter and chocolate whey
Grilled Chicken breast. Think this sounds too complicated? Not if you think ahead. On Sunday night go ahead and grill up a few chicken breast and keep them stored in the fridge for the week. Then all you have to do is grab it on the go.
Omelet. This goes for people that have time to get home right after the gym to put together an omelet. Eggs are loaded with protein and then the veggies you add will be packed full of vitamins and nutrients. Use egg whites to avoid the negative cholesterol of the yolk.
Yogurt Parfait. Grab some low fat vanilla or plain yogurt, some cut up fruit, and granola. Yogurt is also great source of healthy bacterial that can help with infections and your digestive stomach. My favorite fruit to use is blueberries and strawberries. And I prefer Chobani greek yogurt (which has its an even greater amount of protein).
Apple and 2 tbsp peanut butter. Great source of fiber and protein. Not only does it taste like a desert but its great for you.
Whole grain bagel or pita with hummus. I love hummus. And the combination of the whole grains and the hummus will pack you full of recovery nutrients. Try it on veggies too.
Refried beans. I know this sounds strange but I love refried beans and El Paso makes a vegetarian, fat free version.  Any type of beans are a great protein option, especially if you are a vegetarian. Plus besides just the protein, beans are high in fiber and a great complex carb.
Oatmeal. One of the greatest creations was instant oatmeal. It is loaded with protein, refuels the carbs, and a good source of fiber.
Almonds. Talk about a snack high if protein, unsaturated fats, antioxidants and vitamins. Each almond has 7 calories and after about 20 you feel stuffed. I love almonds. They are great by themselves or as toppers on salads and sandwiches. Choose the unsalted option.
Cottage cheese and fruit. Talk about a great source of calcium, vitamin D and protein but low in carbs and fat.  This is a great snack for women and its taste amazing. 

(above was my post workout lunch, cottage cheese and a diced plum!! love it!!)

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